Results for 'James M. Curtis'

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  1.  19
    The Backpack Generation and Art History.James M. Curtis - 2001 - The Journal of Aesthetic Education 35 (1):31.
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    Culture as polyphony: an essay on the nature of paradigms.James M. Curtis - 1978 - Columbia: University of Missouri Press.
  3.  39
    Conceptualising moral resilience for nursing practice.Tiziana M. L. Sala Defilippis, Katherine Curtis & Ann Gallagher - 2019 - Nursing Inquiry 26 (3):e12291.
    The term ‘moral resilience’ has been gaining momentum in the nursing ethics literature. This may be due to it representing a potential response to moral problems such as moral distress. Moral resilience has been conceptualised as a factor that inhibits immoral actions, as a favourable outcome and as an ability to bounce back after a morally distressing situation. In this article, the philosophical analysis of moral resilience is developed by challenging these conceptualisations and highlighting the risks of such limiting perspectives. (...)
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    Expanding the scope of nursing ethics: cost containment, justice and rationing.M. Benjamin & J. Curtis - 1992 - Bioethics Forum 9 (4):16-21.
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    The Gauthier Enterprise*: JAMES M. BUCHANAN.James M. Buchanan - 1988 - Social Philosophy and Policy 5 (2):75-94.
    I take it as my assignment to criticize the Gauthier enterprise. At the outset, however, I should express my general agreement with David Gauthier's normative vision of a liberal social order, including the place that individual principles of morality hold in such an order. Whether the enterprise is, ultimately, judged to have succeeded or to have failed depends on the standards applied. Considered as a coherent grounding of such a social order in the rational choice behavior of persons, the enterprise (...)
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  6. (1 other version)William James and phenomenology.James M. Edie - 1970 - Review of Metaphysics 23 (3):481-526.
    This is a study of all the recent literature on william james written from a phenomenological perspective with the purpose of showing that william james made fundamental contributions to the phenomenological theory of the intentionality of consciousness, To the phenomenological theory of self-Identity, And to the phenomenological conception of noetic freedom as the basic concept of ethical theory.
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  7. Is the cerebellum a motor control device?James M. Bower - 1992 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 15 (4):714-715.
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    The value of truth: a reply to Howson.James M. Joyce - 2015 - Analysis 75 (3):413-424.
    Colin Howson has recently argued that accuracy arguments for probabilism fail because they assume a privileged ‘coding’ in which TRUE is assigned the value 1 and FALSE is assigned the value 0. I explain why this is wrong by first showing that Howson’s objections are based on a misconception about the way in which degrees of confidence are measured, and then reformulating the accuracy argument in a way that manifestly does not depend on the coding of truth-values. Along the way, (...)
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  9. Singularities and Genetic Structure in Deleuze's Logic of Sense.M. Curtis Allen - 2024 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 38 (3):226-236.
    This article presents formal correspondences between the ontological and logical structures of Deleuze’s theory of sense-events in the Logic of Sense as a “post-Cantorian orientation of thought” (Livingston 2012), grappling with an essential incompleteness or inconsistency at the heart of both Being and thought, one which Deleuze champions positively under the equation Ungrounding = Becoming. Through it, Deleuze’s sometimes slippery use of the concept of singularity (and its relation to the virtual) is elaborated, elucidating a post-Cantorian metaphysics of events, distinct (...)
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  10.  88
    The Limits of Liberty: between anarchy and Leviathan.James M. Buchanan - 1975 - University of Chicago Press.
    Employing the techniques of modern economic analysis, Professor Buchanan reveals the conceptual basis of an individual's social rights by examining the ...
  11.  50
    Current Emotion Research in Linguistic Anthropology.James M. Wilce - 2014 - Emotion Review 6 (1):77-85.
    Linguistic anthropologists have studied emotion in societies around the world for several decades. This article defines the discipline, introduces its general relevance to emotion theory, then presents five of the most important contributions linguistic anthropology has made to the study of emotion.
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    Phonological Abstraction in the Mental Lexicon.James M. McQueen, Anne Cutler & Dennis Norris - 2006 - Cognitive Science 30 (6):1113-1126.
    A perceptual learning experiment provides evidence that the mental lexicon cannot consist solely of detailed acoustic traces of recognition episodes. In a training lexical decision phase, listeners heard an ambiguous [f–s] fricative sound, replacing either [f] or [s] in words. In a test phase, listeners then made lexical decisions to visual targets following auditory primes. Critical materials were minimal pairs that could be a word with either [f] or [s] (cf. English knife–nice), none of which had been heard in training. (...)
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  13.  83
    Can Democracy Promote the General Welfare?: JAMES M. BUCHANAN.James M. Buchanan - 1997 - Social Philosophy and Policy 14 (2):165-179.
    To commence any answer to the question “Can democracy promote the general welfare?” requires attention to the meaning of “general welfare.” If this term is drained of all significance by being defined as “whatever the political decision process determines it to be,” then there is no content to the question. The meaning of the term can be restored only by classifying possible outcomes of democratic political processes into two sets – those that are general in application over all citizens and (...)
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  14. Ideal Government and the Mixed Constitution in the Middle Ages.James M. BLYTHE - 1992 - Utopian Studies 5 (1):151-152.
  15.  32
    Being a historian: an introduction to the professional world of history.James M. Banner - 2012 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Based on the author's more than 50 years of experience as a professional historian in academic and other capacities, Being a Historian is addressed to both aspiring and mature historians. It offers an overview of the state of the discipline of history today and the problems that confront it and its practitioners in many professions. James M. Banner, Jr. argues that historians remain inadequately prepared for their rapidly changing professional world and that the discipline as a whole has yet (...)
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  16. Adolf Reinach: Metaethics and the Philosophy of Law.James M. DuBois - 2002 - Springer Verlag.
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    John Wild's interpretation of William James's theory of the free act.James M. Edie - 1975 - Man and World 8 (2):136-140.
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    The Limits of Causal Knowledge.James M. Robins, Richard Scheines, Peter Spirtes & Larry Wasserman - unknown
    James M. Robins, Richard Scheines, Peter Spirtes, and Larry Wasserman. The Limits of Causal Knowledge.
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  19. The Limits of Liberty between Anarchy and Leviathan.James M. Buchanan - 1975 - Political Theory 4 (3):388-391.
  20.  10
    Neoplatonic Pedagogy and the Alcibiades I: Crafting the Contemplative.James M. Ambury - 2024 - Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press.
    Many philosophers in the ancient world shared a unitary vision of philosophy – meaning 'love of wisdom' – not just as a theoretical discipline, but as a way of life. Specifically, for the late Neoplatonic thinkers, philosophy began with self-knowledge, which led to a person's inner conversion or transformation into a lover, a human being erotically striving toward the totality of the real. This metamorphosis amounted to a complete existential conversion. It was initiated by learned guides who cultivated higher and (...)
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  21. The Metaphysical Subject and Logical Space: Solipsism and Singularity in the Tractatus.M. Curtis Allen - 2018 - Open Philosophy 1 (1):277-289.
    This essay presents a heterodox reading of the issue of solipsism in Wittgenstein’s Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus, out of which the whole of the TLP can be re-read. Inspired by, though not dependent on, the themes of virtuality and singularity found in Deleuze’s ‘transcendental empiricism’, Wittgenstein’s concept of ‘logical space’ is here complexly related to the paradoxes of the ‘metaphysical subject’ and ‘solipsism,’ within which the strictures of sense are defined, and through which the logico-pictorial scaffolding of the TLP precipitates its own (...)
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  22.  11
    Post-socialist Political Economy: Selected Essays.James M. Buchanan - 1997 - Edward Elgar Publishing.
    This book presents a critical assessment of the political and social order in the post-revolutionary decade of the 1990s in both the transitional economies and Western welfare states confronting fiscal crises. As we enter the new post-socialist century, James M. Buchanan argues that we need to think and act on the premise that the future is uncertain. James M. Buchanan examines the political economy of the post-socialist era, analysing the events of 1989-91 and some of their predicted consequences. (...)
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    The Case for a Concert of Democracies.James M. Lindsay - 2009 - Ethics and International Affairs 23 (1):5-11.
    Over a whole range of challenges, the world is essentially undergoverned. New institutions are needed that recognize how much the world has changed and that mobilize those states most capable of meeting the dangers we confront.
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  24. Accuracy and Coherence: Prospects for an Alethic Epistemology of Partial Belief.James M. Joyce - 2009 - In Franz Huber & Christoph Schmidt-Petri (eds.), Degrees of belief. London: Springer. pp. 263-297.
  25.  20
    Notes on the Philosophical Anthropology of William James.James M. Edie - 1964 - Memorias Del XIII Congreso Internacional de Filosofía 8:141-159.
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    Human Cloning.James M. Humber & Robert Almeder - 1998 - Humana Press.
    In Human Cloning a panel of distinguished philosophers, medical ethicists, religious thinkers, and social critics tackle the thorny problems raised by the now real possibility of human cloning. In their wide ranging reviews, the distinguished contributors critically examine the major arguments for and against human cloning, probe the implications of such a procedure for society, and critically evaluate the "Report and Recommendations of the National Bioethics Advisory Commission." The debate includes both religious and secular arguments, as well as an outline (...)
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  27. The Foundations of Causal Decision Theory.James M. Joyce - 1999 - Cambridge University Press.
    This book defends the view that any adequate account of rational decision making must take a decision maker's beliefs about causal relations into account. The early chapters of the book introduce the non-specialist to the rudiments of expected utility theory. The major technical advance offered by the book is a 'representation theorem' that shows that both causal decision theory and its main rival, Richard Jeffrey's logic of decision, are both instances of a more general conditional decision theory. The book solves (...)
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  28. Levi on causal decision theory and the possibility of predicting one's own actions.James M. Joyce - 2002 - Philosophical Studies 110 (1):69 - 102.
    Isaac Levi has long criticized causal decisiontheory on the grounds that it requiresdeliberating agents to make predictions abouttheir own actions. A rational agent cannot, heclaims, see herself as free to choose an actwhile simultaneously making a prediction abouther likelihood of performing it. Levi is wrongon both points. First, nothing in causaldecision theory forces agents to makepredictions about their own acts. Second,Levi's arguments for the ``deliberation crowdsout prediction thesis'' rely on a flawed modelof the measurement of belief. Moreover, theability of agents (...)
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  29.  16
    Politics by principle, not interest: toward nondiscriminatory democracy.James M. Buchanan - 1998 - New York: Cambridge University Press. Edited by Roger D. Congleton.
    In his treatise, The Constitution of Liberty (1960), F. A. Hayek emphasized the central role of the generality principle, as embodied in the rule of law, for the maintenance of a free society. This book extends Hayek's argument by applying the generality principle to politics. Several important policy implications emerge. There are no direct implications to suggest how much governments should do. The argument suggests strongly however, that, whatever is done politically, must be done generally rather than discriminatorily.
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    XI*—Right and Virtue.James M. Brown - 1982 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 82 (1):143-158.
    James M. Brown; XI*—Right and Virtue, Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Volume 82, Issue 1, 1 June 1982, Pages 143–158,
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    Advancing Family Theories.James M. White - 2005 - SAGE.
    How can the study of families be scientific? What is the difference between postmodern and positivistic approaches? What is the role of models and metaphors in constructing our theoretical knowledge? In Advancing Family Theories, author James M. White addresses such difficult questions that have been longstanding issues within the field of family studies and examines these matters from a social science perspective. Advancing Family Theories explores two contemporary theories of the family-rational choice theory and transition theory. These diametrically different (...)
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    Comparison of behavioral activity in two apparatus for food-deprived mice.James M. Murphy & Z. Michael Nagy - 1979 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 14 (1):43-45.
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  33. Habits of thought: history as overlapping paradigms.James M. Youngdale - 1988 - Minneapolis, Minn. (157 Williams Ave. Southeast, Minneapolis 55414): Clio Books.
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    The Ethics of Refund Anticipation Loan Consumer Information: An Exploratory Study.James M. Stearns, Shaheen Borna & Gwendolen B. White - 2006 - Business and Society Review 111 (2):175-191.
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    Compression and Noise.M. Curtis Allen - 2023 - Journal of Aesthetics and Phenomenology 9 (2):101-117.
    This essay elaborates the nature and consequences of compression and noise, understood as interdependent phenomena determining current aesthetic regimes and modes of perception in the “cognitive co...
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    Informed refusal–the Jehovah's Witness patient.James M. West - 2010 - In Gail A. Van Norman, Stephen Jackson, Stanley H. Rosenbaum & Susan K. Palmer (eds.), Clinical Ethics in Anesthesiology: A Case-Based Textbook. Cambridge University Press. pp. 19.
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    History, Religion, and Spiritual Democracy: Essays in Honor of Joseph L. Blau.James M. Humber - 1981 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 41 (3):409-410.
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    Redundant epistemic symmetries.James Read & Thomas Møller-Nielsen - 2020 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 70:88-97.
  39.  44
    Five contenders for the title “philosophy of psychology”.James M. Stedman - 2024 - Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology 44 (1):30-41.
  40.  56
    Can ethics be Christian?James M. Gustafson - 1975 - Chicago,: University of Chicago Press.
    Determines the implications of Christian religious conviction for moral conduct through extensive philosophical inquiry into an incident involving an ethical ...
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    Motivating dualities.James Read & Thomas Møller-Nielsen - 2020 - Synthese 197 (1):263-291.
    There exists a common view that for theories related by a ‘duality’, dual models typically may be taken ab initio to represent the same physical state of affairs, i.e. to correspond to the same possible world. We question this view, by drawing a parallel with the distinction between ‘interpretational’ and ‘motivational’ approaches to symmetries.
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    Editors' Note.James M. DuBois, Ana S. Iltis & Heidi A. Walsh - 2018 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 8 (1):79-80.
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    The ghost of Christmas future: didn't Scrooge learn to be good? Commentary on Magnuson, McMurray, Tanenhaus, and Aslin (2003).James M. McQueen - 2003 - Cognitive Science 27 (5):795-799.
    Magnuson, McMurray, Tanenhaus, and Aslin [Cogn. Sci. 27 (2003) 285] suggest that they have evidence of lexical feedback in speech perception, and that this evidence thus challenges the purely feedforward Merge model [Behav. Brain Sci. 23 (2000) 299]. This evidence is open to an alternative explanation, however, one which preserves the assumption in Merge that there is no lexical–prelexical feedback during on‐line speech processing. This explanation invokes the distinction between perceptual processing that occurs in the short term, as an utterance (...)
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    Plato's Protagoras: Translation, Commentary, and Appendices.James A. Arieti & Roger M. Barrus (eds.) - 2010 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    Arieti and Barrus' new edition of Plato's Protagoras provides a rigorously clear and accurate translation that communicates Plato's puns, metaphors, figures of speech, and other verbal techniques naturally, allowing scholars to feel the full scope of Plato's rhetoric. This new edition confronts and discusses the critical linguistic choices made in rendering difficult or obscure terms into an easily readable and understandable rendition. The commentary, introduction, glossary, and appendices elucidate the dialogue's many issues, especially those concerning rhetoric, education, and literary interpretation.
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    From Human Dignity to Natural Law: An Introduction. By Richard Berquist. Foreword by Steven J. Jensen.James M. Jacobs - 2021 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 95 (1):153-155.
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  46. Trajectories through Early Christianity.James M. Robinson & Helmut Koester - 1971
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    Spatial characteristics of selective attention in letter matching.James M. Skelton & Charles W. Eriksen - 1976 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 7 (2):136-138.
  48.  28
    Buying for Love of Country: Assessing the Ethics of Patriotic Appeals in Advertising.James M. Stearns, Shaheen Borna & Gillian Oakenfull - 2003 - Business and Society Review 108 (4):509-521.
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  49. (1 other version)A nonpragmatic vindication of probabilism.James M. Joyce - 1998 - Philosophy of Science 65 (4):575-603.
    The pragmatic character of the Dutch book argument makes it unsuitable as an "epistemic" justification for the fundamental probabilist dogma that rational partial beliefs must conform to the axioms of probability. To secure an appropriately epistemic justification for this conclusion, one must explain what it means for a system of partial beliefs to accurately represent the state of the world, and then show that partial beliefs that violate the laws of probability are invariably less accurate than they could be otherwise. (...)
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  50.  16
    The Dismantling and Reassembling of the Categories of New Testament Scholarship.James M. Robinson - 1971 - Interpretation 25 (1):63-77.
    New Testament scholarship faces a crisis in the categories with which it perceives its material. A new set of concepts for descriptive analysis which are more appropriate to the dynamic nature of the texts must be developed.
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